8 Secrets to Grow your YouTube Channel

8 Secrets to Grow your YouTube Channel

8 Secrets to Grow your YouTube Channel

1) Influencer Marketing 101

Influencer marketing is the process of partnering with an influencer, typically someone who has a large following on social media or YouTube. The goal is to help you promote your product or service by having them mention it in their posts and videos. The end result is increased awareness for your company and potential new customers.

8 Secrets to Grow your YouTube Channel

2) Building an Audience from Scratch

The important thing to know when building an audience is that you need a wide variety of content, ideally every day. If you can’t think of something new and exciting to produce every day then it may be time for some outside help. Here are some more tips for growing your audience: 

1) Be genuine. Authenticity sells. 2) Provide value! Tell people what they should do instead of just showing them what they can do.

If you are thinking to launch a vlogging channel than you must read our Guideline for a Successful Vlogging Channel.

3) Creativity in Video Marketing

Creativity is the key factor that separates excellent videos from simply okay ones. But don’t fret—because with the right perspective, some good old fashioned creativity is not too difficult to come by.

One example of an organization that does this particularly well is Ray William Johnson. Some of his most successful clips are compilations of old public domain films, but with clever, satirical introductions and intertitles.

8 Secrets to Grow your YouTube Channel

4) The #1 Way to Get Viewers Engaged in Your Videos

The next time you’re about to upload a video, stop for a moment and think about whether or not you have a hook. Sometimes it can be as simple as talking about something in the opening of your video that will compel your viewers to watch the rest of the clip. If it’s only going to take one sentence or two, go ahead and include it. It could really pay off in gaining new subscribers!

5) Becoming A Master With Storytelling In Video

These tips for video storytelling will take your content to the next level, whether you’re an introvert or a seasoned storyteller. Follow these guidelines and you’ll be able to captivate and delight your audience like never before.

8 Secrets to Grow your YouTube Channel

6) Create Awesome Facebook Lives

Facebook Lives are a great way to get your audience more engaged in the content you create. Check out this Facebook Live Video for How To Create Awesome Facebook Lives.

7) Boost Traffic From Twitter – Tips That Worked For Me

Post tweets about your new blog post, YouTube channel course, or email list and encourage people who have engaged with you on those platforms in the past to share your content. If it’s good, they will. And trust me- social media isn’t what it used to be. It’s how people communicate online these days and whether you’re familiar with Facebook and Twitter or not, they are major players when it comes to driving traffic.

8) Use Instagram Stories For Business

Instagram Stories is a new feature added by Instagram. It allows you to upload 15 second video or photos and easily share them with your followers. This might sound like a marketing tactic, but it also allows you to express how you feel, what you are doing and more which can make a good connection with your customers. The great thing about this feature is that it’s temporary!

Bonus Tip

Run A Successful Giveaway On Instagram ,Giving your followers a chance to win something is a great way to grow your audience. It will attract more people who might not have been interested in you before, plus it’s free and all you need is an Instagram account.