sell low content books on amazon

How to Sell Low Content Books on Amazon Successfully

4 Simple Steps – How to Sell Low Content Books on Amazon

This Article will make you understand how to sell low content books on amazon kdp and start making money. Low Content Publishing is the fastest and simplest way to start generating passive income this doesn’t mean it is easy but it is so unlike many other ways of making money online that need months or years to get going as well as big startup costs


On top of that you like so many people are probably pressed for time in between your full-time job and your family life and all of the other things you have to do and the many more things that you want to do and i often hear that people are looking for a simple framework to follow to help them get their low content publishing done in the most effective way and this is it it’s very simple you have the potential to go from idea generation to sales in really just a matter of days or less and the four-step process that you will follow time and time again is ideate, research , design and upload .


Every product starts with an idea inspiration is everywhere and i’m not going to go into where to find it in this article for the sake of keeping it on track and a lot of the time low content publishers find themselves absolutely overwhelmed with ideas and this is where the next step comes into play.


The biggest mistake every beginner low content publisher makes when starting amazon kdp is to skip this most fundamental part of the process i see many low content publishers coming to How to Sell Low Content Books on Amazon and they get so excited to start on amazon kdp that they go from getting an idea to creating a product without taking the time to validate the demand for their low content book and find the right keywords that their ideal customers are already plugging into the search bar on amazon i’ve shared exactly what i look for in keywords in this article and your research can be done on amazon with free resources .

Its Important

i can’t stress enough how important the research part of the process is and it also has the potential to inspire you and help you go back to the ideation phase of course i should say that the entire four-step process is not always a linear one you might have a couple projects going on at the same time but I really don’t um i don’t encourage people to take these steps out of order so definitely do not skip over the research part of the the process it’s fundamental and it helps you find it helps you have the most potential of aligning with what people are already searching for on amazon.

Sell Low Content Books on Amazon

the research part of the process is also so helpful for reducing the analysis paralysis that many low content publishers experience because it helps to determine what you’re actually creating during the design process .

so here I’ve just typed in baby shower guest book as a really broad example here on amazon just so that you can see some of the real terms that people are looking for in amazon these are the things that people are looking to buy so they’re interested in elephant safari cloud bear flower butterfly and mermaid designs these are the real kinds of products that people are looking for they want to buy them and this is why research is also so fundamental and and why it needs to come before you do any design work whatsoever .


Step number three is all about design and this either means you are creating or outsourcing your interior and cover content or one of the other whichever way you choose to do it you really have a lot of options when it comes to creating your cover and interior content or outsourcing it like I said and if you want to create your own content from scratch.

Use Tools



Step number four is the uploading process you need to finally submit your book to amazon kdp for review and for the most part at this stage the the rest is out of your hands until amazon reviews your title so don’t stress about the time it spends in review just keep creating in the meantime that’s what i Recommend .

Occasionally there may be errors that you need to address before your book is fully ready to be published and amazon will notify you by email now step number five is totally extra i don’t tend to go beyond this point but there’s also a lot you can choose to do post publishing and that includes adding a plus content.

Sales Game

How to Sell Low Content Books on Amazon and Make Money while you Sleep !

This is truly a sales system that works for you even when you’re not actively working on it and there’s no major upkeep required and this is the beauty of passive income yes it does require a little bit of initial work up front and the investment is so worth it because this means that you’re able to make more money without spending more time at your job or for you maybe it means you’re able to stay home with your kids without having to worry about finances.

Or just helping you to generate consistent income without actively working for it every day and this means that you start to build not just income not just money in your pocket this is real wealth and you know this is it’s just an amazing feeling to be able to be earning on vacation or when you’re napping or when you’re sleeping


 if you are serious about making consistent sales on amazon kdp without spending money on ads and you want a proven system for doing so click here to subscribe me on youtube for more tips and tutorials about generating passive income online .

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